Division One
Competition dates etc.
2025 Dates, Venues & Draws for Divisional Finals plus Competition Steward contact details
Singles (77) MONDAYSPairs (75) TUESDAYS
1st Round 26th May, 2nd Round 2nd June,1st Round 27th May, 2nd Round 3rd June,
3rd Round 9th June, 4th Round 16th June3rd Round 10th June, 4th Round 17th June
Divisional Semi Finals & Finals :-Divisional Semi Finals & Finals :-
23rd June & 30th June at HSBC24th June & 1st July at Bromley BC
Geoff BaileyGeoff Bailey
Tel. 07710 077834Tel. 07710 077834
Email baileygeoff8@gmail.comEmail baileygeoff8@gmail.com
Triples (43) WEDNESDAYSFours (18) THURSDAYS
1st Round 4th June, 2nd Round 11th June,1st Round 12th June, 2nd Round 19th June,
3rd Round 18th JuneDivisional Semi Finals & Finals :-
Divisional Semi Finals & Finals :-26th June & 3rd July at Blackheath & Greenwich
25th June & 2nd July at Woodcroft BC
Competition Steward contact :-Competition Steward contact :-
Brian HendersonIan Way
Tel. 07753 924401Tel. 07702 908588 or 01689 836109
Email brian.henderson@btinternet.comEmail ian.way.iw@gmail.com
Two Wood (52)Unbadged Singles (89) FRIDAYS
EARLY ROUNDS (DOWN TO LAST 2) TO BE1st Round 30th May, 2nd Round 6th June,
PLAYED OFF ON SUNDAY 1st JUNE 3rd Round 13th June, 4th Round 20th June
AT Bromley BC AND West Wickham BCDivisional Semi Finals & Finals :-
Divisional Final :-27th June & 4th July at Sidcup BC
4th July at Sidcup BC
Competition Stewards on day :-Competition Steward contact :-
Ian Way & Geoff BaileyIan Way
Tel. 07702 908588 or 01689 836109
Email ian.way.iw@gmail.com
Over55 Fours (19) TUESDAYS + ONE FRIDAY*Cox Cup (25) MONDAYS
Prelim Round 8th July, 1st Round *11th July,1st Round 7th July, 2nd Round 14th July,
2nd Round 15th July, 3rd Round 22nd July3rd Round 21st July
Divisional Final :-Divisional Semi Finals & Finals :-
29th July on a neutral green (TBC)28th July & 4th August at West Wickham BC
Winners to semi final & final onWinners to Finals on 10th August @ Empire BC
2nd August at Horton Kirby BCCompetition Steward contact :-
Competition Steward contact :-Brian Henderson
Ian WayTel. 07753 924401
See details aboveEmail brian.henderson@btinternet.com
Under 24 Singles & PairsQ/F & S/F of - Singles 19/07 @ Folkestone Town;
Draw & all other details are under thePairs 20/07 @ Bromley; Triples 26/07 @ Halls;
control of the KCBA U/24 Secretary so pleaseFours 27/07 @ Maidstone;
watch out for details when published.County Finals 03/08 @ West Wickham
Draws for Divisional Semi Finals of Singles, Unbadged Singles & Pairs as follows :-
Semi Finals - A1 v B2, B1 v A2, C1 v D2, D1 v C2
Finals - A1 or B2 v B1or A2 & C1 or D2 v D1 or C2
Draws for Divisional Semi Finals of Triples & Fours
Semi Finals - A1 v B2, B1 v A2, A3v B4 & A4 v B3
Finals - A1 or B2 v A2 or B1 & A3 or B4 v A4 or B3
Draw for Divisional Final of Cox Cup
Semi Finals - A1 v A2, A3 v A4
Final - A1 or A2 v A3 or A4